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2024-02-14 08:00:16
美[ˌterətɒlədʒɪ]  英[ˌterətɒlədʒɪ]
n.  畸形学;怪异研究;怪
  形容词:teratological  名词:teratologist


  1. the branch of biology concerned with the development of malformations or serious deviations from the normal type of organism


  1. These properties are not exclusive to teratology;rather they are general properties of all developmental systems. 这些特性并不仅限于畸形学的范围,相反,他们是所有可持续发展系统[8]的普遍性质。”
  2. The theory according to the cluster-correlated data encountered in teratology studies was reviewed and then implemented through SUDAAN. 方法利用SUDAAN统计程序实现致畸试验中两分类结局变量的统计分析。
  3. Some teratology work(segments I and II)is usually done before entering women of childbearing potential in a clinical trails although this is not essential. 虽然不是必需的但通常都会在临床试验入组分娩妇女之前做些致畸研究(I和II部分)。
  4. The data come from the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS), a North American registry of university-based pregnancy risk counseling services. 研究资料来自畸胎信息专科医师组织(OTIS),一个以北美大学为主的妊娠风险谘商服务机构。
  5. Methods Perform the descriptive statistics procedures and logistic regression modeling procedures in SUDAAN to analyze the binary response variable from the data in a teratology study. 结果本软件对致畸试验数据统计分析可获得参数的一致性估计,并可获得稳健的方差估计,从而得出正确的统计推断。
  6. Teratology studies on epidermal growth factor in mice 上皮生长因子对小鼠的致畸胎作用研究