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2024-02-14 08:08:17
美[tɜːsəl]  英[tɜːsəl]
n.  雄鹰


  1. male hawk especially male peregrine or gyrfalcon


  1. Toyota x 4 (Taiwan : Tercel, wish. 目前的座驾 品牌及车型...
  2. Because I am not a tercel, neither a giant , not a man of wealth, neithe the son of God. 因为我不是雄鹰也不是巨人;不是富翁也不是耶酥.
  3. Our performance promotes the disable project and establishes Tercel’s fine visualization. 所到之处扩大了残疾人事业的宣传,树立了“雄鹰”的美好形象。
  4. Hangzhou tercel Import and Export limited corporation, which is a specialized production and export enterprises . 杭州雄鹰进出口有限公司,是专门从事皮草,皮革制品的一家以生产、出口销售为一体的生产贸易型企业。
  5. Youre a burgeon of the flower season,you are a tercel that spreads your wings.The world tomorrow belongs to us,and all the things display their brilliances. 你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鹰,明天是我们的世界,一切因我们而光辉。
  6. WOMAN: One reason why I bough this Eagle Summit is that I once tried to put all of my luggage in the back of a Toyota Tercel and it just wouldnt fit. 这句话可以有两种不同的理解:1、所有这一切都已成为过去的事情了;2、所有的行李现在都能放进后尾箱里了。令人拍手叫绝的是这两种解释在该对话中都能讲得通,因而也成为双关语的另一个经典例子。