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2024-02-14 08:29:17
美[tɜːrm]  英[tɜːm]
n.  学期;术语;条件;条款;期限;名词
vt.  把 ... 称为
  过去式:termed  过去分词:termed  现在分词:terming  第三人称单数:terms


  1. 任期
  2. 学期
  3. 地位
  4. 术语,专门名词
  5. 关系
  6. 条件
  7. 条款
  8. 期限,限期,终止期
  9. 专门名词
  10. 偿债期
  11. 【律】开庭期
  12. 地产租用期
  13. 名称
  14. 词,词语,名词
  15. 【数、物】项
  1. 把…称为,把…叫做
  2. 称呼


  1. [C]期,期限 a fixed or limited period of time
  2. [C][U]学期 any of three periods of time into which the teaching year is divided at schools, universities, etc.
  3. [U][C]开庭期,会期 a period of time during which a court, parliament, etc., meets
  4. [S]终止期 the end of a period of time during which sth lasts
  5. [C]术语,行话 a word or expression that has a particular meaning or is used in a particular activity, job, profession, etc.
  6. [C]项 each of the various parts in an expression in mathematics
  7. [P]条件,条款 the conditions of an agreement, contract, etc.
  8. [P]费用,价格,价钱 the stated conditions concerning payment, prices, etc.
  9. [P]关系,友谊 a relationship of the stated quality
  1. vt. 把…称为,把…叫做 call; name; describe


  1. a word or expression used for some particular thing;

    "he learned many medical terms"

  2. a limited period of time;

    "a prison term" "he left school before the end of term"

  3. (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement;

    "the contract set out the conditions of the lease" "the terms of the treaty were generous"

  4. any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial;

    "the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree"

  5. one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition;

    "the major term of a syllogism must occur twice"

  6. the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent;

    "a healthy baby born at full term"

  7. (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
  1. name formally or designate with a term


  1. accept terms接受条件
  2. analyze a term分析一个术语
  3. avoid a term避免使用术语
  4. carry out terms履行条件
  5. come to terms达成协议,妥协,让步,屈服
  6. give terms提出条件
  7. interpret a term解释术语
  8. keep on good terms with同…保持友好关系
  9. make terms达成协议
  10. offer terms提出条件
  11. reject terms拒绝某种条件
  12. serve a term任职,服役,服刑
  13. set a term to给…规定期限
  14. understand a term明白术语的内容
  15. use a term使用术语
  1. bookish term咬文嚼字的词语
  2. clear term简洁的话
  3. common term普通用语
  4. familiar term熟悉的术语
  5. formal term正式用语
  6. general term泛称,笼统的措辞
  7. informal term非正式用语
  8. legal term法律术语
  9. literary term文学术语
  10. modern term现代术语
  11. old-fashioned term陈旧的术语
  12. out-of-date term过时的术语
  13. plain term简明的措辞
  14. scientific term科学术语
  15. set terms固定词语
  16. striking terms引人注目的措辞
  17. technical term技术名称,术语
  18. uncommon term非普通用语
  1. autumn term秋季学期
  2. fall term秋季学期
  3. prison term服刑期
  4. spring term春季学期
  5. summer term夏季学期
  1. in terms of用…的话,以…的措辞,在…方面,从…方面(来说),以…表示,根据,按照
  2. in any term无论如何
  3. in clear term明确地
  4. in equal terms平等地
  5. in high terms高度称赞地
  6. on even terms with和…不相上下
  7. on good terms友善,要好
  8. on no terms绝不
  1. term oneself an artist自称为艺术家


  1. Are there any exams at the end of this term?这个学期期末有考试吗?
  2. I am not familiar with chemical terms.我不熟悉化学术语。
  3. Another firm has offered more advantageous terms than yours.另一家公司提出的条件比你们的优惠。
  4. The company has fulfilled all the terms of the agreement.公司已经履行了协议中的所有条款。
  5. They had set a term to the contract.他们已给合同定了期限。
  6. Would you please explain the meaning of this term?请你解释一下这个名词的意义好吗?
  1. He termed the play a tragedy.他称该剧为悲剧。


    term的基本意思是“期,期限”,引申可表示“学期”“开庭期,会期”“终止期”等。作“学期”解时,其前有时加不定冠词,主要是指英国的中学、大学中一年三个学期中的任一学期。作“终止期”解时,通常用作单数形式。 term也可作“术语,行话”解,指有特定意义的词或专门名词,通常用作复数形式。 在数学术语中term还可作“项”解。 term的复数形式terms还可作“条件,条款”“费用,价格,价钱”“关系,友谊”解,其后常与介词at或on连用。
    term用作动词的意思是“把…称为,把…叫做”,是及物动词,常接以名词或形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 term可用于被动结构。


  1. 我和邻居相处得不太好。

    Im not on very good term with my neighbours.

    Im not on very good terms with my neighbours.

    表达“和…关系很好”时用be on good terms with...。这里的terms作“关系”解,要用复数形式。


    He thought of everything in the terms of money.

    He thought of everything in terms of money.

    表示“从…的角度”“就…来说”“用…表示”可以用in terms of, terms之前不可加冠词the。


    They wanted to make a term with the enemy.

    They wanted to make terms with the enemy.

    表示“和…讲条件”要说 make terms with sb, term此时不可用作单数名词。