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2024-02-14 09:23:17
美[tərestriəl]  英[tərestriəl]
adj.  陆地的;陆生的;地球的
n.  地球生物
  副词:terrestrially  名词:terrestrialness


  1. of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air
  2. of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants;

    "planetary rumblings and eructations" "the planetary tilt" "this terrestrial ball"

  3. operating or living or growing on land
  4. concerned with the world or worldly matters;

    "mundane affairs" "he developed an immense terrestrial practicality"

  5. of this earth;

    "transcendental motives for sublunary actions" "fleeting sublunary pleasures" "the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball"


  1. Men live on the terrestrial parts of the earth.人们住在地球上的陆地部分。
  2. Aquatic food chains are different from terrestrial ones.水生食物链不同于陆地食物链。
  3. Although they can swim, the polar bears are terrestrial animals.北极熊虽然会游泳,但也是陆栖动物。
  4. A terrestrial globe is one that represents the earth.地球仪是表现地球的器具。