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2024-02-14 09:34:17
美[teriːn]  英[teriːn]
n.  肉糜;陶制盖碗;陶制盖碗食品;沙锅


  1. a pate or fancy meatloaf baked in an earthenware casserole


  1. Jellied terrine of brown crab with lambs brainsand courgette. 布朗蟹膏 羊羔脑和密生西葫芦冻。
  2. And the medallions of lamb should be followed bythe foie gras en terrine. 羊排后面接着上陶罐鹅肝酱。
  3. The soup uses terrine cooking and the soup mix in with fish so It color is write. 我们6个人上山吃鱼,点了7斤鱼,三份鲫鱼汤,最后鱼还没有吃完。
  4. One day, his wife, tired and incautious, mistook to pot the chicken soup with the meat for making sauce in the terrine. 妻将熬好的鸡汤盛砂锅内,因疲劳过度,误将肉片佐料倒入砂锅,肉片熟,放入米线食之,鲜嫩可口,神清气爽。
  5. The terrine on ark of the head of a bed, the model on edge ark, turn littoral subject into a kind of symbol, show beside the wall of blue sky about. 床头柜上的陶罐,边柜上的模型,把海滨主题变成一种符号,展现在蓝色天空模样的墙壁旁。
  6. Scatter 37 pink on gallinaceous breast again, seal severe terrine mouth with wet tissue, basket evaporate makes an appointment with 2 hours on fire of boiling water flourishing. 再把三七粉撒在鸡脯上,用湿棉纸封严陶罐口,沸水旺火上笼蒸约2小时。