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2024-02-14 09:40:17
美[terəˌraɪz]  英[terəraɪz]
vt.  <主英>=terrorize


  1. coerce by violence or with threats
  2. fill with terror; frighten greatly


  1. Anything to terrorise the civilian population. 任何让平民恐惧的事情都会发生。
  2. Until then, the axis of evil continues to terrorise us. 在此之前,邪恶轴心继续地吓唬着我们。
  3. How had this monster been allowed to terrorise the poor girl unchallenged? 怎么会让这个恶魔欺凌那个可怜的姑娘如此之久,而没受到制止和制裁呢?
  4. Benitez is confident El Nino can terrorise them again in the San Siro and be Liverpools hero once more. 而贝尼特斯有信心:杰拉德和托雷斯可以在梅亚查再一次成为英雄。
  5. Si strappa il dardo, esso gli esce dal corpo, la punta sfolgorante gli vien fuori dal fiele, lo assalgono i terrori della morte. 他正在填饱肚腹的时候, 神就把猛烈的怒气降在他身上,他正在吃饭的时候, 神要把这怒气如雨降在他身上。
  6. Such talk would open the way for theocrats to terrorise humanity anew with divine wrath, his critics said. 针对罗德的批评者说,这样的言论会帮助神权政治家利用天怒人怨的说法再度威胁全人类。