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2024-02-14 09:56:17
美[tɜːveɪlənt]  英[tɜːveɪlənt]
adj.  三价的


  1. If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives, take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait. 如接种麻疹疫苗能预防麻疹,服脊髓灰质炎三价混合疫苗能预防小儿麻痹症等。
  2. If C1 is too small, it discharges during the D1and D2 nonconducting in terval, and more output ripples result. 它在D1和D2不导通期间C1放电很大,会增大输电压的纹波。
  3. Additive gene effects were significant or highly sighificant in most cross sets for pint height,ear height,internode length,dys to tasseling,days to silking,the time in terval between the first and second silking(1-2s)and two-eared rate perplant. 大部分组合的株高、穗位高、第一果穗着生节节间长、抽雄期、抽丝期,第一和第二果穗抽丝间隔以及单株双穗率等性状的加性效应也都这显著成极显著。
  4. 3.If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives, take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait. 如接种麻疹疫苗能预防麻疹,服脊髓灰质炎三价混合疫苗能预防小儿麻痹症等。
  5. 9.If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives, take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait. 如接种麻疹疫苗能预防麻疹,服脊髓灰质炎三价混合疫苗能预防小儿麻痹症等。
  6. 6.If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives, take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait. 如接种麻疹疫苗能预防麻疹,服脊髓灰质炎三价混合疫苗能预防小儿麻痹症等。