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2024-02-14 10:01:17
美  英
n.  泰丝(女子名;Theresa的昵称)


  1. Zack: Tess! We brought the last two bins. 扎克:泰丝!我们扛来了最后两个柜子.
  2. Tesss mother caught up its notation in a week. 苔丝的妈只用一个礼拜的功夫就把它的腔调学会了。
  3. Pete: What are the bins for, Tess? 皮特:泰丝,这些柜子是做什么用的?
  4. Tess Finnegan: Dont what me. You know what. 泰丝?费尼肯:你知道我说什么。
  5. "Good-bye, father," said Tess, with a lumpy throat. “爸爸,再见啦
  6. Tess is a cashier at a fast-food restaurant. 黛丝是一家快餐店的收银员,