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2024-02-14 10:04:16
美[tesəlˌeɪt]  英[tesɪleɪt]
vt.  镶嵌成花纹
  名词:tessellation  过去式:tessellated  过去分词:tessellated  现在分词:tessellating  第三人称单数:tessellates


  1. fit together exactly, of identical shapes;

    "triangles tessellate"

  2. tile with tesserae;

    "tessellate the kitchen floor"


  1. Select the polygon where you want to make the holes for the fan and click a few times on the tessellate button. 选择你想要造洞的地方的多边形,然后点击几次细分按钮。
  2. Heavy fighting surged around the village of Fontenay-le-Pesnel and the nearby Tessel woods. 围绕着丰特内-勒-佩斯内尔村和附近的特瑟尔森林展开了激战。
  3. I’ll demonstrate how to use this algorithm to statically tessellate an array of height data that can be used for geometric terrain data, terrain texture maps, and cloud texture maps. 这是一种方式,另一种方式是,自己出牌后,首先更新自己的桌面,显示出牌,同时发送给服务器,服务器只要将出牌数据发送给其余的玩家。
  4. to tessellate a floor 镶嵌马赛克地板
  5. Tessellate Modifier 细化修改器
  6. Tessellate Conen. 红砖芋螺(芋螺超科;芋螺科)