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2024-02-14 10:06:16
美[ˌtesɪleɪʃən]  英[ˌtesɪleɪʃən]
n.  镶嵌装饰;棋盘形布置;镶嵌式铺装


  1. the careful juxtaposition of shapes in a pattern;

    "a tessellation of hexagons"

  2. the act of adorning with mosaic


  1. Leaf blade veins forming rectangular tessellation. 叶片脉形成矩形的棋盘花纹。
  2. Leaf blade veins forming square tessellation. 叶片脉形成广场棋盘花纹。
  3. The accuracy setting controls the tessellation of surfaces. 请大伙帮我解释一下这句话什么意思。
  4. New CAD engine: the feature for adaptive tessellation has been added. 新的CAD引擎:自适应镶嵌功能已经增加。
  5. Data can be supplied either by the vertex buffer or by the primitive tessellation engine. 顶点数据既可以由数据缓冲区提供,也可以由图元镶嵌引擎提供。
  6. To solve both problems it is obvious that each patch must know its neighbors tessellation levels. 为了解决这些问题,显然每个缀片都需要知道其邻接缀片的镶嵌级别。