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2024-02-14 10:32:17
美[testɪli]  英[testɪli]
adv.  易怒地;暴躁地


  1. in a petulant manner;

    "he said testily; `Go away!"


  1. So sorry for da late reply testi ya. 很抱歉迟了回复留言丫。
  2. "I repeat I know nothing about it, sir," the elder said testily. “我再说一遍,我对这事一无所知,先生,”老人烦躁地说。
  3. Be perturbed, be to lack a vitamin testily? How should do. 心烦,易怒是缺少维生素吗?该怎么办。
  4. The principal designing methods of the new system and the testi... 文中讨论了系统主要部分的设计方法,给出并分析了试验结果。
  5. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testily of that particular ray. 一张面孔、一个人物、一桩事情在他心中留下了印象,而其它的则不然。
  6. As the commuter plane in the cartoon plunges downward, the fat passenger testily refuses to acknowledge her guilt in misleading the airline about her weight. 由于漫画中的通勤飞机正往下栽,那位胖乘客烦躁地拒绝承认自己向航空公司隐瞒体重所应负的责任。