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2024-02-14 10:38:16
美[testaɪtɪs]  英[testaɪtɪs]
n.  [医]睾丸炎


  1. Five cases had testitis, one had ovaritis. 5例并发睾丸炎,1例卵巢炎。
  2. Does testitis use the medicine standard? 睾丸炎用药标准?
  3. Does testitis often offend a viral as a result of punishing the queen? 病毒性睾丸炎经治后还时常犯?
  4. Objective To differentiate the diagnosis of acute testitis and testis distortion. 目的用彩超鉴别急性睾丸炎和睾丸扭转。
  5. Methods: 56 cases of testitis and epididymitis were studied by two-dimensional ultrasound and CDFI. 随着社会进步和科学发展,人们对泌尿生殖系统疾病的就诊观念亦在发生转变。
  6. Is the testiculus tenesmus, to have caught testitis? Does that hospital meeting cure Fo Shan City? 您的位置:我也知道>地区>广东>佛山市>睾丸下坠,是得了睾丸炎?佛山那间医院会治疗?