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2024-02-14 10:50:17
美[tetənɪ]  英[tetənɪ]
n.  手足抽搐


  1. clinical neurological syndrome characterized by muscular twitching and cramps and (when severe) seizures; associated with calcium deficiency (hypoparathyroidism) or vitamin D deficiency or alkalosis


  1. Tetanus (or lockjaw ):Acute bacterial disease caused by Clostridium tetani (see clostridium). 破伤风:由破伤风杆菌引起的急性细菌性疾病。
  2. To apply calcium gluconate and valium can alleviate the tetany quickly and efficiently. :应用葡萄糖酸钙和安定可迅速有效地缓解手足搐搦。
  3. Hypocalcemia can present dramatically as tetany, seizures, altered mental status, or stridor. 低血钙的症状是易于发现的,如手足抽搐、癫痫发作、神志改变和喘鸣。
  4. The main nervous and mental symptom was the extremity latent tetany (57.14%, P并发低钙血症者较血清钙正常者病死率为高(P<0.;05)。
  5. Tetany is a type of cramping which activates all of the nerve endings in the body. 搐搦症是一种激发全身所有神经末梢的抽筋。
  6. The decrease of Ca2+ concentration may increase the neuromuscular excitability and cause tetany. 钙降低时,神经肌肉兴奋性增加,可引起手足抽搐。