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2024-02-14 10:54:16
美[tet]  英[tet]
n.  希伯来语的第九个字母(亦作tet)


  1. the 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet


  1. This is a re-use of the can-cell model previously seen on Teth and Rodia. 这里是继泰斯和罗迪亚后再一次使用堪笑的建模。
  2. TETH> You have done good to your servant, O Lord, in keeping with your word. 耶和华阿,你向来是照你的话善待仆人。
  3. Then he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out all the bad teth. 后来这个男的醒了,就用非常低的声音说“快,医生,快”。
  4. I have teth that could easily crush the bones of your hand bu that I choose not to bite you. 当你打我时,请记得,我其实拥有可以轻易咬碎你手骨的锋利牙齿,但是我绝对不会那样做。
  5. Remember before you hit me that, I have teth that could easily crush the bones of your hand bu that I choose not to bite you. 当你打我时,请记得,我其实拥有可以轻易咬碎你手骨的锋利牙齿,但是我绝对不会那样做。