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2024-02-14 10:57:17
美  英
adj.  [地](古生代)蒂锡斯海的;古地中海的


  1. Sanjiang Tethyan volcanism and related mineralization. “三江”特提斯火山作用与成矿.;北京:地质出版社
  2. A candidate of the Induan-Olenekian boundary stratotype in the Tethyan region. 安徽巢湖地区早三叠世菊石序列.;古生物学报;43(2):192-204
  3. On the boundary of Tethyan tectonic domain on northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. 青藏高原东北缘特提斯构造域界线的探讨
  4. Balsamiflua ,with about 3 species,disjunctively disperses in tropical Africa,Tethyan region and Mexico. 胡杨属约3种,间断分布于热带非洲、古地中海地区和墨西哥;
  5. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Triassic volcanic rocks in the east-central segment of Tethyan Himalaya. 特提斯喜马拉雅带中段东部三叠纪火山岩的地球化学和岩石成因
  6. It has long been known for the oil reservoir potential in the Asian Tethyan tectonic domain. 摘要特提斯域含油气性,特别是亚洲特提斯域油气聚集地质特征,举世瞩目。