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2024-02-14 11:19:17
美[tetrəflʊəraɪd]  英[tetrəflʊəraɪd]
n.  四氟化物


  1. Materials:The material of part touching the separated materials can be stainless steel, titaniun steel, lining rubber, linling plastic and lining tetrafluoride. 材 质:与物料接触部分的材料可为不锈钢、钛材、碳钢、衬橡胶、衬塑料、衬四氟等。
  2. A patent for fluorosilicic acid production by adsorption of silicon tetrafluoride with pressure water is described in the production of wet-process phosphoric acid or phosphate fertilizer. 介绍一种在湿法磷酸或磷肥生产过程中用水吸收四氟化硅制备氟硅酸的专利技术。
  3. Synthesis and Development of Carbon Tetrafluoride 四氟化碳的合成与开发
  4. Keywords low-quality fluorite mine;prepare;cryolite;silicon tetrafluoride; 低品位萤石矿;制备;冰晶石;四氟化硅;
  5. Removal Carbon Fluoride Impurities From Raw Carbon Tetrafluoride by Pressurized Rectification 加压精馏除去四氟化碳中六氟乙烷等氟碳杂质的研究
  6. Standard Test Method for Air and Carbon Tetrafluoride in Sulfur Hexafluoride by Gas Chromatography 用气体色层分离法对六氟化硫中四氟化氮和四氟化碳含量的测试方法