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2024-02-14 11:33:17
美[ˌtetrəhaɪmənə]  英[tetrəhaɪmənə]
n.  [动]四膜虫


  1. relative of the paramecium; often used in genetics research


  1. We treated Tetrahymena shanghaiensis with etoposide. 分散的核仁连接成串;
  2. Tetrahymena is applied for detecting toxicity, apoptosis and water quality monitoring at present. 目前已作为标准检测生物被广泛应用于毒性检测、细胞凋亡和水质检测中。
  3. Tetrahymena is unicell eucaryou, sensitive to toxic substance in environment, ideal indicator that forecast environmental pollution early. 四膜虫是一种真核单细胞原生动物,对环境中有毒物质的毒性反应敏感,是环境污染早期预报的理想指示物种。
  4. The toxicity of mercury ion and pesticide cy-permethrin to tetrahymena pyriformis was observed in this study according to the method of aquatic toxicology. 采用梨形四膜虫为实验生物评价了汞离子和安绿宝农药的毒性。
  5. Taking Tetrahymena thermophila as the object of the toxicity experiment,the biotoxicity variation of leachate in the anaerobic bioreactor landfill system was studied. 以嗜热四膜虫作为毒性试验生物,对厌氧生物反应器垃圾填埋系统渗滤液的生物毒性变化进行了研究。
  6. They spliced the sequence of nucleotides they saw in the Tetrahymena into yeast and found that it played a protective function in a completely different organism. 他们将在四膜虫体内的核酸序列接合在酵母菌上,并发现其在完全不同的生物体内也起到了保护作用。。