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2024-02-14 11:56:17
美[tiːtrɑːkɪ]  英[tiːtrɑːkɪ]
n.  四分领地;四人统治
  异体字:tetrarchate  名词复数:tetrarchies


  1. Mt 8: 5-13) stresses the importance of the village as a crossroad for many travellers leaving and entering the Tetrarchy of Herod Antipas. 玛八5-13)强调村庄的重要,该村不但是许多旅人进出的黑落德辖区的重要枢纽。
  2. Constantine the Great defeated Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in Rome, leading him to end the Tetrarchy and become the only ruler of the Roman Empire. 康斯坦丁,这个伟大的人物在罗马**战役中打败了大马士革,这件事使他结束了四分领地并且成为罗马帝国唯一的统治者。
  3. Under the Tetrarchy, this was divided into two provinces, called Osrhoene (around Edessa; roughly the modern-day border between Turkey and Syria) and Mesopotamia (a bit more northeast). 在这块四分领地中,这里被划分成两个省,称为奥兹尔欧尼(在埃德萨周围;大约是今天土耳其和叙利亚的交界处)和美索不达米亚(东北部稍大的地方)。
  4. both Perea and Galilee made up the tetrarchy of Herod Antipas. 佩雷亚和加利利形成了希律安堤柏的四分领地。
  5. The results showed that the primary xylem of the root is diarch, triarch and tetrarchy; 结果表明:根的初生木质部为二原型、三原型和四原型;
  6. Under the Tetrarchy, this was divided into two provinces, called Osrhoene (around Edessa; 在这块四分领地中,这里被划分成两个省,称为奥兹尔欧尼(在埃德萨周围;