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2024-02-14 12:13:17
美[tetrɒksɪd]  英[tetrɒksɪd]
n.  四氧化物


  1. an oxide containing four atoms of oxygen in the molecule


  1. Osmium tetroxide is an expensive reagent with great toxicity. 四氧化锇是一种贵而毒性大的试剂。
  2. Examples of fixatives are formaldehyde, osmium tetroxide, ethanol, and acetic acid. 像甲醛、锇酸、酒精及乙酸等都是常用的固定剂。
  3. The design and structure of nitrogen tetroxide concentration monitor are introduced. 介绍了四氧化二氮毒气浓度监测仪的设计思路和组成结构。
  4. Stains for light microscopy are colored dyes;those for electron microscopy contain heavy metals, e.g. osmium tetroxide. 应用于光学显微镜的染料是有色染料,应用于电子显微镜的染料含有重金属元素,例如:四氧化锇。
  5. The results indicate that the ruthenium tetroxide methodology should yield new information about stru... 结果表明四氧化钌固定法将为阐述某些鳞屑性皮肤病的结构标记和病理机制提供一些新的线索。
  6. Because dinitrogen tetroxide has intense oxidation character, it was often used as one oxidant of bipropellants. 四氧化二氮由于沸点低、易挥发,直接使用时存在诸多不便,常被制成胶体推进剂使用。