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2024-02-14 12:45:17
美[tekstʃər]  英[tekstʃə(r)]
n.  质地;手感;口感;组织;结构;纹理;特点
vt.  给予结构
  形容词:textural  副词:texturally  过去式:textured  过去分词:textured  现在分词:texturing  第三人称单数:textures


  1. 【生】组织
  2. 结构
  3. 纹理
  4. 肌理
  5. 质地
  6. 特征
  7. 构造
  8. 织法
  9. 织品
  10. 本质
  11. 实质
  12. 织物
  13. 手感
  14. 口感
  15. 神韵
  16. 谐和统一感
  17. 质感
  1. 使具有某种结构或特征


  1. [C][U]手感,质感,质地 the degree of roughness or smoothness,coarseness or fineness,of a surface,substance,or material,especially as felt by touch


  1. the feel of a surface or a fabric;

    "the wall had a smooth texture"

  2. the essential quality of something;

    "the texture of Neapolitan life"

  3. the musical pattern created by parts being played or sung together;

    "then another melodic line is added to the texture"

  4. the characteristic appearance of a surface having a tactile quality
  5. the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance);

    "breadfruit has the same texture as bread" "sand of a fine grain" "fish with a delicate flavor and texture" "a stone of coarse grain"


  1. This kind of cloth has a close texture.这种布质地很紧密。
  2. We could feel the smooth texture of silk.我们能感觉出丝绸的光滑质地。
  3. The texture of the rug was very soft.毯子的手感非常柔软。
  4. The cake has a nice light texture.这蛋糕松软可口。
  5. Wines are fruity, yet smooth in texture.葡萄酒果味充裕,口感顺滑。
  6. The two cheeses were very different in both taste and texture.这两种奶酪的味道和口感大不相同。
  7. It was as though she had got into the texture of his skin.她好像进了他的皮肤的组织。
  8. The medial plantar flap has sufficient bulkiness and a well skin color and texture match of the surrounding tissue.内侧足掌皮瓣提供足够的体积,与四周组织的颜色和质感相当吻合。
  9. Such soils vary in texture and fertility.这种土壤的结构和肥沃度差异很大。
  10. One can see the orderly texture of matter through an electron microscope.通过电子显微镜可以看到物质的有序结构。
  11. She was exquisitely fashioned in very small texture and detail.她每一个微小的纹理和细部都塑造得优美绝伦。
  12. We would like to explore the texture of the culture of the modern times.我们想探求现代文化的特征。