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2024-02-14 12:51:16
美  英
abbr.  法国高速列车(巴黎;里昂间的高速火车)(=Train a Grande Vitesse)


  1. II faut reserver a I`avance les tickets de TGV. 高速列车的车票必须提前预订。
  2. For the return trip, i took the French TGV high speed train. 回程的时候,我选择的是法国的TGV高速火车。
  3. Two-thirds of the countrys high-speed TGV trains were canceled. 在法国,有三分之二的高速列车停开。
  4. AGV trains incorporate fundamental breakthroughs compared to TGV trains. AGV列车与TGV列车相比突破了基本列车原理。
  5. Four new TGV high-speed rail lines will be under construction at the same time. 四条新的TGV高铁同时也会开工。
  6. It may be a while before you can choose between a French TGV or a German ICE to ride to Bucharest or even Naples. 也许得一段时间你才可以从法国TGV或者德国的ICE之间选择去布加勒斯特(罗马尼亚的首都)或者甚至是那不勒斯。