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2024-02-14 12:59:17
美[θəlɑːmɪ]  英[θəlɑːmɪ]
n.  [植]花托;[解]脑丘


  1. This is holoprosencephaly in which there is a single large ventricle with fusion of midline structures, including thalami. 前脑无裂畸形,是一个较大正中线结构消失的脑室,包括丘脑。
  2. MRI showed that the most important pathological festures of TOB was infection included,midbrain,thalami,cerebellum,occipital lobe,temporal lobe. MRI提示重要的特征是中脑、丘脑、小脑、枕叶及颞叶的梗死。
  3. MRI showed the local infarction in thalami, cerebellum, midbrain, pons, occipital lobe, temporal inner surface. 磁共振(MRI)显示梗死灶在丘脑、小脑、中脑、脑桥、枕叶、颞叶内侧面;
  4. Results:The reconstructed thalami are smooth ,nature and realistic,they canbero tate,zoomed and cut in any direction. 结果 :重建后的丘脑立体图像顺滑、自然、逼真,可任意缩放、旋转、切割。
  5. MRI showed the local infarction in thalami, cerebellum, midbrain, lobus occipitals, pons, temporal inner surface and splenium of corpus callosum. 磁共振(MRI)表现梗死灶在丘脑、小脑、中脑、枕叶、脑桥、颞叶内侧面及胼膝体压部;
  6. MRI showed the main pathological features of TOBS was infarction in thalami , midbmin, cerebellurn, occipital and temporal lobus. 影像学MRI特征:丘脑、中脑、小脑、枕叶、颞叶合并梗死病灶为主。