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2024-02-14 13:34:17
美  英
n.  [希神]桑纳托斯(死亡之神);死亡本能


  1. (Greek mythology) the Greek personification of death; son of Nyx
  2. (psychoanalysis) an unconscious urge to die


  1. The Greeks called it Eros and Thanatos-- love and death. 意味性爱伴随著死神。
  2. The paired relationship of Eros and Thanatos is an expression of this holding. 生的本能和死的本能是一对双生子,它们都是这一延续的表现。
  3. Arcadia is plagued with evil,life-draining demons called Thanatos and a vast lack of Purifiers to exterminate them all. 主人公安琪丽可是一位因为魔物塔那托斯而失去了双亲,并认真努力地学习,希望成为一名医生的少女。
  4. Eros , the god of love (left),being restrained by Thanatos ,the god of death (right). 伊洛斯 (爱神,左),正被 赛纳托斯 (死神,右)束缚著自由。
  5. As tracks go on you sink in a sort of dantesque circle, the boundary between joy and suffering,life and death, where Eros and Thanatos melt and become the same thing. 当这张唱片在你的唱机里转动的时候,你就会沉溺在一种下沉的轮回里,享受和痛苦,生命和死亡,爱的迷惑和死的愿望,这些对立之间的边界融化,变成了相同的事物。
  6. There they will fight with the minion Gods of Hades: Hypnos and Thanatos before they reach with the final battle against Hades. 在极乐净土篇中星矢等人将再次创造奇迹,救出雅典娜,粉碎哈迪斯妄图将人间变为地狱的阴谋在此篇中,冥王的左右手死神和睡神将会露面。