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2024-02-14 14:17:17
美[θiːətər]  英[θɪətə(r)]
n.  戏院;剧场;戏剧;手术室;战区
adj.  戏院的
sp.  =theater.


  1. 戏剧,剧作,戏剧作品,戏剧文学
  2. 戏院,剧场,电影院
  3. (剧院、电影院等的)全体观众
  4. 戏剧效果
  5. 戏剧工作,演出
  6. <英>手术室
  7. 阶梯式教室,讲堂,会场
  8. (发生重要事件的)场所
  9. 【军】战场,战区
  1. 战术的,作战的
  1. =theater(美)


  1. [C]戏院,剧院,露天剧场 building or outdoor area for the performance of plays and similar entertainments
  2. [C]礼堂,阶梯教室; 手术室 room or hall for lectures, etc. with seats in rows rising one behind another; room in a hospital, etc. where surgical operations are performed
  3. [U]戏剧,戏剧文学,剧本的写作或演出 dramatic literature or art; the writing, acting and producing of plays
  4. [S]戏剧界,戏剧业 the theatrical world as a profession or way of life


  1. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented;

    "the house was full"

  2. the art of writing and producing plays
  3. a region in which active military operations are in progress;

    "the army was in the field awaiting action" "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"


  1. build a theatre建造剧院
  2. close a theatre关闭剧院
  3. crowd a theatre挤满剧场
  4. devote to the theatre献身戏剧
  5. empty a theatre使剧场空无一人
  6. enter the theatre进入戏院,走进剧院
  7. frequent a theatre常去剧院
  8. go to the theatre去看戏
  9. manage a theatre经营剧院
  10. open a theatre开剧院
  11. operate a theatre经营剧院
  12. pack the theatre挤满剧场
  13. run theatre经营剧院
  1. amusing theatre闹剧
  2. bad theatre舞台效果不好
  3. cheap theatre票价便宜的剧院
  4. comfortable theatre舒适的剧院
  5. expensive theatre票价高的剧院
  6. experimental theatre实验剧
  7. good theatre舞台效果好
  8. great theatre伟大的剧作
  9. living theatre舞台剧
  10. modern theatre现代戏剧
  11. open-air theatre露天剧场
  12. outdoor theatre露天剧场
  13. poor theatre舞台效果不好
  14. traditional theatre传统剧
  15. two theatres两个剧院
  1. at the theatre在剧场,看戏
  2. in the theatre在戏剧界


  1. There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这剧院内禁止吸烟。
  2. I waited for her in the lobby of theatre yesterday.昨天我在戏院的大厅等她。
  3. Crowds disgorged from the theatre into the dark street.人流从戏院涌出,进入了黑洞洞的街道。
  4. The theatre gives two performances a day.剧院一天上演两场。
  5. Do you enjoy the theatre?你喜欢看戏吗?
  6. She is been in the theatre all her life.她一辈子搞戏剧。
  7. Some of us do not know much about the theatre.我们中有一些人还不太懂得戏剧。
  8. I like music, theatre and cinema.我喜欢音乐、戏剧和电影。
  9. She was in the operating theatre for two hours.她在手术室里已经两个小时了。
  10. They fought in the Pacific theatre during World War II.他们在第二次世界大战的太平洋战区打过仗。
  1. Excuse me, is this bus for the theatre?打扰了,这是到戏院的公共汽车吗?
  2. Ive got complimentary tickets for the theatre.我得到了戏院的赠票。


    theatre的基本意思是“戏院,剧院”,可指剧院,也可指电影院,还可指“露天剧场”,在美式英语中拼作theater,用于专有名词时须加定冠词the并大写首字母,引申可表示“礼堂,阶梯教室”“手术室”“战场,战区”等,是可数名词。 theatre也可作“戏剧,戏剧文学,戏剧艺术”“剧本的写作或演出”解,是不可数名词,其前通常加定冠词the。 theatre还可作“戏剧界,戏剧业”解,通常用作单数形式,其前通常加定冠词the。


  1. 她叔叔从不去戏院看戏。

    Her uncle never went to theatre.

    Her uncle never went to the theatre.

    在go to school, go to church, go to hospital等词组中名词前通常不用定冠词,但是go to the theatre, go to the cinema, go to the movies等词组中名词前应用定冠词。