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2024-02-14 14:41:16
美[θaɪləraɪəsɪs]  英[θaɪləraɪəsɪs]
n.  [医]泰勒尔梨浆虫病


  1. Diagnose and treatment of Trypanosoma theileriasis in cattle in northeast 东北黄牛泰勒锥虫病诊治
  2. The observe on clinic sign and pathology change in Theileriasis of sheep in Gannan prefecture 甘南州羊泰勒虫病临床症状及病理变化观察
  3. Diagnosis of bovine theileriasis resulted from Theileria sergenti by indirect fluorescent antibody technique 间接荧光抗体试验对牛瑟氏泰勒虫病的诊断
  4. bovine theileriasis 牛泰累尔梨浆虫病
  5. tropical theileriasis 热带泰累尔梨浆虫病