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2024-02-14 15:01:16
美[θiːnɑː]  英[θiːnɑː]
adj.  手掌的;足底的;鱼际的
n.  手掌;足底


  1. the fleshy area of the palm at the base of the thumb
  2. the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
  1. of or relating to the palm of the hand or to the area at the base of the thumb


  1. Thenar massage has three functions:Diagnosis,treatment and healty care. 足底按摩疗法,具有诊断,治疗和保健三种功能。
  2. A vaseline is wiped after bubble is sufficient, can make thenar skin soft. 泡足后擦干涂上一层凡士林,可使足底皮肤柔软。
  3. Objective:Discuss the causes and related countermeasures for partial ill-feedback of thenar phlebotomize of neonates. 目的:探讨新生儿足底采血局部不良反应的发生原因以及相应的护理对策。
  4. That is why often Anrou thenar can improve human immunity, strengthening the ability Yufeng cold reason. 这就是为什么常按揉大鱼际可提高人体免疫力,增强御风抗寒能力的原因。”
  5. All of them were located on the first web space and thenar eminence region, demonstrating tangled skin, nods and cords. 8例的病变均位于虎口和大鱼际区域,表现为皮肤纠集、结节和条索,很少影响拇指的活动范围。均手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。
  6. Ulcer distributings: Sufficient with the ministry 2, thenar outside side is long, thenar forehead 62. 溃疡分布:足跟部2个,足底外侧久个,足底前部62个。