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2024-02-14 15:32:17
美[θɪɒnəmɪ]  英[θɪɒnəmɪ]
n.  神治;上帝统治


  1. We should not, therefore, assume that Kline any more than theonomy represents unambiguously the Reformed tradition. 讽刺的是,这种奢望,正是和他们同在且与他们结盟的耶稣自己,以他的医治、供应、释放的大能在他们心里激活的。
  2. Tillich insists that the equilibrium between cultural substance and form is achieved in a theonomy which embrace the truth of autonomy and heteronomy while avoiding their errors. 宗教内涵的这一重新诠释,使宗教在不脱离其以上帝为基本教义的情况下,出入于一切文化领域,揭示了神学中的文化因素和文化诸领域中的宗教因素。
  3. After some reflection, I have come to the conclusion that theonomy (like Dooyeweerdianism in the 1960s) is a good case study of how theological ideas should not be introduced. 耶稣一切的宣讲和神迹,都是在显明,永恒的上帝国度正在通过耶稣本人的道和作为进入这个世界。