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2024-02-14 15:34:17
美[θɪɒfənɪ]  英[θɪɒfənɪ]
n.  神的出现


  1. a visible (but not necessarily material) manifestation of a deity to a human person


  1. Answering the Call of Your Theophany - Jn A. 回应你属灵身体的呼唤。
  2. His speech prepared for the appearance of God, Theophany. 4他所讲的是预备约伯经历神的显现。
  3. On the basis of this exegesis, the Theophany of Tabor turns out to be a Trinitarian event (cf.Mt 3, 16f). 以这个诠释为基楚,大博尔山是神格显现三位一体论的事件(参见:玛三16)。
  4. The Theophany had ended.The Master returned to his normal appearance, no longer transfigured and radiant. 神的显现已结束,师傅回复到他平常的外貌,不再有变容和散发的光芒。
  5. " The Theophany had ended.The Master returned to his normal appearance, no longer transfigured and radiant. 神的显现已结束,师傅回复到他平常的外貌,不再有变容和散发的光芒。