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2024-02-14 17:13:17
美[θɜːməˌgrɑːf]  英[θɜːməgrɑːf]
n.  温度记录器


  1. medical instrument that uses an infrared camera to reveal temperature variations on the surface of the body
  2. a thermometer that records temperature variations on a graph as a function of time


  1. To measure the temperature in the tube with a thermograph. 用温度计测一测筒内的温度。
  2. Therefore, Infrared thermograph NDT can be conducted. 本文结合实验,针对机敏混凝土结构缺陷的焦耳内热源红外无损检测过程,进行了理论分析和计算机模拟。
  3. The water will freeze when the thermograph reduce to zero centigrade. 当温度计降至摄氏零度时,水便会结冰。
  4. Objective:To explore the value of thermograph in breast cancer diagnosis. 目的:探讨红外热像图对乳腺癌的诊断价值。
  5. Temperature Track Record : thermograph to be used for record tracking. 温度记录方式:打点记录可以常态查询窑炉温控状态。
  6. Conclusion: Thermograph has an unmeasurable singularity in early diagnosis of breast cancer. 结论:红外热像图对乳腺癌的早期诊断有独到之处。