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2024-02-14 17:15:17
美[θɜːmoʊhælaɪn]  英[θɜːməʊhælaɪn]
adj.  [海洋]热盐的;温盐的


  1. Will Greenland melting halt the thermohaline circulation? 格陵兰将停止对温盐环流熔化吗?
  2. Compensation and Alignment of Thermohaline Gradients in the Ocean Mixed Layer. 海洋混合层中温盐梯度的补偿和校准。
  3. Reconstructing, Monitoring, and Predicting Multidecadal-Scale Changes in the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation with Sea Surface Temperature. 北大西洋海表温度和温盐环流多年代际变化的重建、监测和预报。
  4. Fluids in basins mainly include saline hot fluid, hydrocarbon, metal|enriched thermohaline, partial syngenetic water and underground water. 含盐盆地中主要的流体类型有含盐热流体、烃类流体、富金属热流体及同生水和大气水等。
  5. What is the variability of thermohaline (i.e., temperature and salinity-controlled) circulation, often depicted as a "Global Conveyor Belt"? 通常被称为“地球传送带”的温盐环流受温度及盐度控制的变化倾向是怎样的?
  6. He follows the route of the Thermohaline Conveyor, which leads to the warm seas of the Caribbean and the awesome power of floods. 接著又会来到加勒比海,欣赏因雨涨潮的威力。