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2024-02-14 17:25:16
美[ˌθɜːməmetrɪk]  英[ˌθɜːməmetrɪk]
adj.  温度计的


  1. of or relating to thermometry;

    "helium gas was the thermometric fluid"


  1. Helium gas was the thermometric fluid. 氦气是测温液体。
  2. Based on the rare earth fluorescence material,a set of fluorescence optical fiber thermometric system was designed. 本文采用稀土荧光材料,设计了一套荧光光纤测温系统。
  3. Meanwhile,the thermometric rising and the rigidity decreaseing are the factors,too. 同时,还要考虑成型零件因温度的升高及刚性不足的影响。
  4. Welding environment is very bad.Radiant thermometric method can not accuretly measure the temperature. 由于焊接环境恶劣,辐射测温法不能准确测量焊接温度。
  5. The principle of thermometric titration and its application in analytical chemistry and cooradination chemistry is discussed in this paper. 本文概述了量热滴定法的原理及其在分析化学和配位化学中的应用。
  6. A thermometric scale on which the unit of measurement equals the Celsius degree and according to which absolute zero is 0K, the equivalent of -273.15. 中义单位温度和摄式相等的热量测方式,绝对零度为0度K(摄式-273.;15度)。