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2024-02-14 17:26:17
美[θəmɒmətrɪ]  英[θəmɒmətrɪ]
n.  计温;温度测定法


  1. the measurement of temperature


  1. A New CARS Thermometry Using an Optical Parametric Oscillator[J]. 引用该论文 申铉国;张铁强;殷景志.
  2. The rule can improve the precision of the radiation thermometry. 这一规律将为提高辐射测温的测量精度提供极大的帮助。
  3. OPO-CARS thermometry and influence of slit function on precision[J]. 引用该论文 郑咏梅;申铉国;谷峰.
  4. In this study, thermometry showed that the temperature of the inflamed tissue was decreased as a result of treatment. 在这项研究中,皮温测试显示炎症组织的温度由于治疗而降低了。
  5. In all these methods, acoustic velocity thermometry based on the acoustic travel time is a better one with a wider use. 而在声学测温的各种方法中,基于声波传播时间的声速测温方法又是一种比较好的、应用更广泛的方法。
  6. This paper introduces double ultrasound pulse transmitting and receiving circuits used in ultrasound thermometry. 介绍了一种用于热疗法中超声测温的双超声脉冲发射接收电路。