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2024-02-14 18:31:17
美[θaɪəmɪn]  英[θaɪəmɪn]
n.  硫胺(维生素B1)
sp.  =thiamine.


  1. a B vitamin that prevents beriberi; maintains appetite and growth


  1. Extra thiamin can be fed when feeding fish. 额外的维他命B1可以通过喂鱼来补充。
  2. Watermelon contains the vitamins A, B-6, C and thiamin. 西瓜含有维他命A、维他命B6、维他命C和维他命B1,
  3. Thiamin, zinc , vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and copper. 硫胺素,锌,维他命B12,维他命B6和铜。
  4. It is also required to the synthesis of the coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate, which is involved in many decarboxylation reactions. 辅酶硫胺素焦磷酸的合成也需要胱氨酸,它还和许多脱羧反应有关。
  5. Objective To study the thiamin and riboflavin status in pregnant women from urban (n=35) and rural (n=31) areas in Beijing. 目的了解北京地区城乡孕妇硫胺素、核黄素的营养状况。
  6. Results Showed: (1)The intake of thiamin of the rural pregnant women was significantly higher than that of the urban pregnant women. 结果(1)农村孕妇硫胺素摄入量显著高于城市孕妇,红细胞转酮醇酶活性(TPP效应%25)城乡之间差异无统计学意义;