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2024-02-14 18:40:17
美[ˌθɪkhedɪd]  英[ˌθɪkhedɪd]
adj.  笨的;愚蠢的


  1. (used informally) stupid


  1. I woke up with a very thickhead this morning. 我早晨醒来觉得头昏昏沉沉的。
  2. The method I make is the best thickheaded , I think so . 现在我采用的方法,应该是最笨的方法了,我想。
  3. Our Martian friends, though thickheaded a little, cute enough ! 我们的火星朋友们,虽然有点笨笨的,但是绝对可爱!
  4. He must feel as we all feel when trying to explain to a thickheaded child that two times zero is zero and not two. 他一定会像我们在试图向一个笨孩子解释二乘以零等于零而不等于二时的感觉一样。
  5. Experience is always a school with high fares.However, thickheaded man have no other choice but to enter this school. 1经验始终是收费高的学校,然而,笨汉非进此学校不可。
  6. However, because the villager committed this crime with a secretiveness not in keeping with his thickheaded ness, it remained a "perpetrator unknown" crime. 然而,由于该村民一改过去的笨脑袋,闭口不谈自己的罪行,使该案成为悬案。