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2024-02-14 18:43:17
美[θɪkli]  英[θɪkli]
adv.  厚厚地;浓密地;声音沙哑地


  1. 厚厚地
  2. 浓密地
  3. 繁茂地
  4. 频繁地
  5. 声音沙哑地
  6. 不清晰地
  7. 稠密
  8. 茂密
  9. 声音不清的
  10. 沙哑的
  11. 茂盛(地)
  12. 口齿不清地
  13. 粗声粗气地
  14. 慢慢地
  15. 茂密地
  16. 葱葱地


  1. spoken with poor articulation as if with a thick tongue;

    "after a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly"

  2. in a concentrated manner;

    "old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built" "a thickly populated area"

  3. with a thick consistency;

    "the blood was flowing thick"

  4. with thickness; in a thick manner;

    "spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface" "we were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt"

  5. in quick succession;

    "misfortunes come fast and thick"


  1. Spread the bread thickly with butter.把面包抹上厚厚的黄油吧。
  2. Weeds grow thickly in rich soil.杂草在肥沃的土壤里生长繁茂。
  3. Lets get out of here,Tom said thickly.让我们离开这个地方,汤姆声音沙哑地说道。