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2024-02-14 19:12:17
美[θɪŋəməˌdʒɪg]  英[θɪŋəmədʒɪg]
n.  某某;某东西
sp.  =thingumajig.


  1. something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known;

    "she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket" "there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use"


  1. What’s-his-name and thingamajig replace the bright particular. “某某人”或“某某事”已经取代了确切的名字或事件。
  2. To make it start, you just pull this thingamajig out. 要起动,你先把这个东西拉出来。
  3. Dad, what do you call that thingamajig you use to shave with ? 爸爸,你用来刮胡子的东西叫什么?
  4. Thingamajig Something difficult to classify or whose name has been forgotten or is not known. 某人或某物不易分类的事物或名字被忘记或不知道的人。
  5. GAWAIN:Jig! Excellent! Thats Gawains word for today! And, this is Gawain saying, hope you liked our thingamajig! (快步舞)太棒了!今天的GAWAIN拼词就到这里了!我是GAWAIN,希望你们喜欢我们的节目!