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2024-02-14 19:36:16
美[ˌθaɪoʊbəsɪləs]  英[θaɪəʊbəsɪləs]
n.  噬硫杆菌(硫杆菌属)


  1. small rod-shaped bacteria living in sewage or soil and oxidizing sulfur


  1. Thiobacillus corrosion is an important problem in sewer environment. 硫酸杆菌是造成市政混凝土排污管道腐蚀的一个重要原因。
  2. Bacterial leaching of copper-bearing pyrite is studied by use of thiobacillus ferrooxidans. 采用氧化亚铁硫杆菌对含铜硫铁矿进行生物氧化研究。
  3. It was proved there existed the direct effect when pyrrhotite was leached by thiobacillus ferrooxidans. 生物浸出磁黄铁矿的过程中存在细菌的直接作用。
  4. The results showed that aerobic strain was classified as Thiobacillus and anaerobic strain as Desulfotomaculum. 实验结果表明:好氧菌为硫杆菌属,厌氧菌为脱硫肠杆菌属。
  5. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were introduced in the bioleaching process of pyrrhotite and pyrite for desulfurization. 摘要研究了磁黄铁矿和黄铁矿的细菌浸出脱硫。
  6. In addition, the distinction between sulfuric acid corrosion and thiobacillus corrosion is explained. 介绍了混凝土硫酸杆菌腐蚀与化学硫酸腐蚀的区别。