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2024-02-14 19:50:17
美[θaɪənɪn]  英[θaɪənɪn]
n.  [化]硫堇;劳氏紫


  1. The brain of the rats was sectioned and stained with thionin to show DND in the CA1 hippocampus. 脑组织切片硫堇染色法观察海马CA1区锥体神经元DND程度,确定组织学分级(HG)。
  2. Methods Mucosal cells of human oral cavity were stained with Giemsa or Thionin to show the structure of X chromatin. 方法取人口腔黏膜细胞,分别采用吉姆萨与硫堇两种染色方法显示X染色质结构。
  3. Keywords Thionin nitrous acid;spectrophotometry;ultraviolet;water; 硫堇;亚硝酸;分光光度法;紫外线;水;
  4. Electrochemical Behavior of o-Aminophenol at a Thionin Self-Assembled Monolayer-Modified Gold Electrode and Its Determination 邻氨基酚在硫堇分子自组装膜修饰金电极上的电化学行为及其测定
  5. Trimethyl thionin 三甲基硫堇