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2024-02-14 19:54:16
美[ˌθaɪoʊfɒsfeɪt]  英[θaɪəʊfɒsfeɪt]
n.  硫代磷酸盐


  1. Hartshorn (NH4OH) was used as a new catalyst instead of acetic acid in the saponification reaction of base zinc salt of dioctyl thiophosphate (T203). 摘要选用氨水溶液代替醋酸作为新型催化剂用于硫磷双辛基碱性锌盐(T203)的皂化反应。
  2. To avoid the argument, we employed thiophosphate chemistry in the repair patch mapping. 为了避免此项疑虑,因此改用含硫磷酸的化学方法来探讨可能修复路径。
  3. Hartshorn(NH_(4)OH) was used as a new catalyst instead of acetic acid in the saponification reaction of base zinc salt of dioctyl thiophosphate (T203). 选用氨水溶液代替醋酸作为新型催化剂用于硫磷双辛基碱性锌盐(T203)的皂化反应。
  4. Two methods were taken to synthesize the tris(4-aminophenyl)thiophosphate: One is amide-hydrolyzing process, the other is one-step reaction. 采用酰胺水解法和催化反应法两种方法来合成硫代磷酸三(4-氨基苯)酯。
  5. With the mixture tests design, the interaction mechanism of borate, chlorinated paraffin and zinc dialkyldi thiophosphate (ZDDP) additives is studied. 用混料试验设计方法,研究了硼酸酯、氯化石蜡和二烷基二硫代磷酸锌(ZDDP)的相互作用机理。
  6. Waterless microemulsification is an effective method that prohibits the decomposition of thiophosphate ester pesticide microemulsion. 无水微乳化是解决硫代磷酸酯类农药有水微乳剂分解的一种行之有效的方法。