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2024-02-14 19:56:16
美[θaɪræm]  英[θaɪræm]
n.  [药]二硫四甲秋兰姆;福美双;双硫胺甲酰(杀菌药)


  1. The residued dynamics of tebuconazole, thiram and their admixture inwheat were studied by potted plant experiment and field expriment. 结合盆栽试验和大田试验分别研究了戊唑醇、福美双及其混剂在小麦中的消解动态。
  2. The toxicity of 6 kinds of organic fungicides, Carbendazim, Thiophanatemethy WP, Inprodione, Triadimefon, Mancozeb and Thiram was measured against Macrophoma Kawatsukaii by mycelium growth rate test. 摘要采用生长速率法进行多菌灵、甲基托布津、扑海因、三唑酮、代森锰锌、福美双6种药剂对轮纹病菌的毒力测定。
  3. The results showed that Chlorothalonil 75% WP,Thiram 50% WP,Prochloraz 25% EC and Mancozeb 70% WP were good fungicides against C. cassiicola,with control efficacy 92.71%,89.16%,87.31% and 73.20%,respectively. 试验结果表明:所选的4种药剂75%25百菌清可湿性粉剂、50%25福美双可湿性粉剂、25%25咪鲜胺乳油和70%25代森锰锌可湿性粉剂对黄瓜褐斑病的田间最高防效可分别达到92.;71%25、89
  4. In the fields,satisfactory effects were achieved in controlling the disease by successive spray with Bordeaux mixture(1%)or 40% thiram(1:600)three times at ten-day intervals at the beginning of spring cycle shoot formation. 用1:1:100波尔多液和600倍40%25的福美双液于春梢抽发期每10天左右连续喷3次;其防治效果较好.
  5. The experiment in Cuttage of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd was conducted with the treatment of 15% Carbendazim + 15% Thiram WP with the different concentrations from 1.00 g/L to 10.00 g/L for 3 h. 用多菌灵15%25+福美双15%25可湿性粉剂配制1.;00~10
  6. In this paper,the symptoms,morphology and some biological characters ofthe pathogens and its control were reported. 40%Thiram X 1000 can controleffectively this disease and no damage to both vegetive hyphae and sporoc-arps of Pleurotus osteratus. 本文报道了该病的症状,病原特性,部分生物学特性和对该病的防治结果,试验表明,40%25福美双1000倍液能有效地控制该病,对平茹无害。