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2024-02-14 20:25:16
美  英
n.  托马西娜(f


  1. "And without any invitation!" said Mrs. Thomasina Tittlemouse. “而且是没有任何邀请的!”托马西娜.;小不点鼠太太说。
  2. I can tell you her name, she was called Thomasina Tittlemouse, a woodmouse with a long tail. 我可以告诉你她的名字,她叫做托马西娜.;小不点鼠,一只有着一条长尾巴的林鼠。
  3. And theyre both here, and my brother, Pat, my three sisters, beautiful sisters, Anne-Marie, Eliza and Thomasina, are all here. 他们都在这里,和我兄弟派特,我三位美丽的姐妹,安-玛莉,艾莉莎和汤马西妮雅,都在这里
  4. " The play is set in two time periods: In April 1809, at a stately home in Derbyshire, a gifted pupil called Thomasina proposes a startling theory, beyond her comprehension. 全剧分为两个时期:1809年4月,在德比郡的一栋豪宅中,一位名叫托马西娜的天才学生提出了一个令人吃惊的、超出她理解范围的理论。
  5. Aunt T-[Thomasina] [美俚]不支持妇女解放事业的女人