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2024-02-14 20:28:17
美  英
n.  托马斯主义者
adj.  托马斯主义(者)的


  1. The persons problem is current the attention key of all sorts of Thomism. 人的问题是当今各种哲学学说的关注重点。
  2. There are two branches which could be inferred from Aristotle"s works.One is Averroism and the other one is Thomism. 对此,托马斯从亚里士多德的形式质料说出发,阐明了灵魂与肉体的关系,并在阐述灵魂本质的基础上论证了灵魂不朽的教义。
  3. for another, only a committed Thomist is likely to be spiritually moved by the realization that there is a self-existent Prime Mover. 如果耶稣不是和上帝有某些关联的话,他为什么会比佛、苏格拉底、甚至阿尔波特加缪更能成为信仰的焦点呢?
  4. ISBN号: Christian Philosophy; Scholastic Philosophy; Metaphysics; Immediate Realism; Transcendental Thomism; philosophy of Life; Specialization; Philosophy of Human Being 出版年:基督宗教哲学;士林哲学;形上学;直接实在论;超验多玛斯学派;生命哲学;专业化;哲学人学
  5. Thomismn. Thomas Aquinas 的神学;哲学学说