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2024-02-14 20:33:17
美[θɔːrəkəl]  英[θɔːrəkəl]
adj.  [解]胸的


  1. For removal of extensive post-mediastinum tumors neurosurgeon should coopperate with thoracal surgeon. 认为胸段突入后纵隔的肿瘤必须会同胸外科联合手术。
  2. Results Enterogenous cysts were usually found to be located ventral to the cervical or thoracal spinal cord. 结果肠源性囊肿为先天性椎管内肿瘤,多发生在青少年,男性多见,病变主要位于颈胸段脊髓腹侧。
  3. Manzoni G,Pedrazzani C,Pasini F,et al.Results of surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma of gastric cardia.Ann Thorac Surg,2002,73:1035. 宋晓雪;宋小元.;68例老年开胸手术临床分析及围手术期处理
  4. Yi DH, Liu WY.Calcification of glutaral treated Xenogeneic bioprosthetic valve[J].Chin J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1987, 3 (4): 244-6. [3]易定华;刘维永.;戊二醛处理的异种生物心脏瓣膜的钙化问题[J]
  5. Eriksson LT,Roscher R,Ingemansson R,et al,Cardiovascular effects of induced hypothermia after lung transplantation[J].Ann Thorac Surg,1999 ;67:804-6. 孟辉;陈钢;刘高望.;犬肺移植围术期血流动力学与血气的变化[J]
  6. Etievent JP, Chocron S, Toubin G, et al. Use of cTnI as a marker of perioperative myocardial ischemia[J]. Ann Thorac Surg, 1995,59:1192. 林丽娜;王万铁;徐正介;等.;左旋精氨酸对体外循环缺血再灌注损伤心肌的保护作用[J]