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2024-02-14 20:38:17
美[θoʊrəkoʊˌplæstiː]  英[θɔːrəkəʊplæstɪ]
n.  [医]胸廓成形术


  1. Objective To study the improved extrapleural thoracoplasty in the treatment of chronic trberculous empyema. 目的研究改良胸腔内胸廓成形术在慢性结核性脓胸治疗的价值。
  2. The patient received thoracoplasty operation due to persistent air leakage .The biopsy specimens revealed existence of multiple silicotic nodules . 患者由于胸管持续气漏因而接受迷你胸廓切开术,病理切片呈现矽结节,因此本病例属于尘肺症中的矽肺症。
  3. Conclusions: The effects of thoracoplasty on infants with PE under 3 years is satisfactory and the lung function could recover to normal about one year after operation. 结论:漏斗胸早期手术不仅效果良好,而且肺功能的指标可完全恢复,为漏斗胸选择早期手术提供了依据。
  4. They were treated by one of the following methods, i.e. , thoracic closed drainage, pleuroclysis, gluing through fibrobronchoscopy, fistula mending plus tissue embedding, pleura plus remaining-pulmonary resection or thoracoplasty. 病人分别采取胸腔闭式引流、胸腔冲洗、经纤维支气管镜生物胶封堵、瘘口修补加组织包埋、胸膜余肺切除、胸廓成形术等方法治疗。
  5. thoracoplasty retractor with triple prongs 胸骨成形术用三爪牵开器
  6. operating table for thoracoplasty 胸腔手术台