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2024-02-14 20:50:16
美[θɔːnˌbʊʃ]  英[θɔːnbʊʃ]
n.  [植]多刺疏林;多刺高灌丛;山楂林


  1. For two days the thornbush refused to bloom. 在这两天之中,荆棘树拒绝开花。
  2. No one had ever shown such kindness to the thornbush. 从来没有人曾经向荆棘树表现出如此的慈爱。
  3. A rooster crowed.Harsh voices stirred the thornbush from its sleep. 粗糙的鸡啼声扰人清梦,荆棘树从梦中醒来。
  4. NIV] Like a thornbush in a drunkards hand is a proverb in the mouth of a fool. [和合]箴言在愚昧人的口中,好象荆棘刺入醉汉的手。
  5. Jesus only crown had been woven from the branches of the little thornbush. 耶稣唯一的冠冕竟是荆棘树的枝条所编成的。
  6. Like a thornbush in a drunkards hand is a proverb in the mouth of a fool. 箴言在愚昧人的口中,好像荆棘刺入醉汉的手。