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2024-02-14 21:30:16
美[θreɪsɒnɪkəl]  英[θreɪsɒnɪkəl]
adj.  自夸的;夸口的;吹牛的


  1. When ball ends, be to me thrasonical, saying this is him a ever since ones birth is the most wonderful night! 在舞会结束时倒是向我夸口,说这是他有生以来最美妙的一个晚上!
  2. I amnot thrasonical to say that I have already possessed a large collection of earings and necklaces which are enough for a store. 毫无夸张地说,我已经收藏了许多耳环和项链,足够开店的了。
  3. Either I am thrasonical, what I dare not receive is vivid, others also dare not close absolutely, finally her surely come back. 不是我夸口,我不敢接的活,别人也绝对不敢收,最后她一准回来。"果然,那位妇女不大功夫就回来了。
  4. When ball ends, that fellow is to me thrasonical, saying this is him a ever since ones birth is the most wonderful night! 那家伙在舞会结束时倒是向我夸口,说这是他有生以来最美妙的一个晚上!
  5. Before Moroccan team and England team are at war, luobusen of England team coach ever thrasonical say: "In this match, our Englishman can hold Moroccan line into bag simply. 摩洛哥队与英格兰队交战前,英格兰队教练罗布森曾夸口说:“在这场比赛中,我们英国人简直可以把摩洛哥队装进袋里。”
  6. 9 see joke: A person sees a market on a few suffer surround the person of view, begin thrasonical say, he can take away any commodity from the shop, and wont be discovered. 9看笑话: 有一个人见到街上一些受围观的人,便开始夸口说,他能从商店拿走任何商品,而不会被人发现。