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2024-02-14 22:16:17
美[θrəʊtiːnəs]  英[θrəʊtiːnəs]
n.  喉音;沙哑


  1. Balance to body and head and free from throatiness. 与头部及身躯比例协调,喉咙无赘肉。
  2. Neck long, lean, arched to the head, and without throatiness. 黑色带棕色斑纹,也可以是栗色或桃木色。
  3. The neck should be fairly strong and free from throatiness. 颈部相当结实,且没有赘肉。
  4. There should not be much throatiness about the skin. 皮肤不应该有过多的赘肉。
  5. Throat showing dewlap and folds of skin to a degree termed "throatiness. 喉咙上有赘肉,皮肤松弛达到了"粗喉咙"的程度。
  6. The neck is strong, muscular, of medium length and free of throatiness. 颈部结实,肌肉发达,中等长度,无赘肉。