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2024-02-14 22:22:16
美[θrɒmˌbaɪ]  英[θrɒmbaɪ]
n.  血栓块


  1. Clots of this type are known as thrombi. 此类血液凝块被称为血栓症。
  2. Cellular debris, found in older thrombi, also lowers the HU count. 陈旧性血栓中的细胞残骸也能降低HU值。
  3. There were no tumor thrombi in the main portal vein. 门静脉主干内未及癌栓。
  4. Thrombi were imaged via high-resolution confocal microscopy. 血栓的影像通过高分辨率显微镜。
  5. The potential application of PA as diagnostic tools in diseases of the thrombi. 纤溶酶原激活剂在血栓性疾病和出血性疾病的诊断具有潜在应用价值。
  6. It accelerates the dissolution of thrombi and improves the supply of the tissue with oxygen and nutrients. 它促进了血栓的溶解,并能增进组织氧气和营养的供给。