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2024-02-14 22:55:17
美[θroʊəweɪ]  英[θrəʊəweɪ]
adj.  用后即扔的;浪费的;漫不经心说出的;遗弃的
n.  临时利用件;弃儿;传单


  1. (sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets
  2. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution;

    "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"

  3. words spoken in a casual way with conscious under-emphasis
  1. thrown away;

    "wearing someones cast-off clothes" "throwaway children living on the streets" "salvaged some thrown-away furniture"

  2. intended to be thrown away after use;

    "throwaway diapers"


  1. Thin plastic bags are the ultimate throwaway item.薄塑料袋最终是被丢弃的东西。
  2. In order to protect trees , we should not cut down trees for throwaway chopsticks .为了保护树木,我们不应该再为了制作一次性筷子而砍倒树木。
  3. On the street, you will find lots of free, throwaway handbills.走到大街上,总会有人塞给你大量的免费垃圾推销广告。
  4. Some people overreacted to what was only a throwaway remark.有些人对随便说出的一句话反应过敏了。
  5. The policewoman took good care of the throwaway baby as a temporary mother.女警察充当一个临时母亲,照顾好这个被遗弃的婴孩。
  1. The antispam is a throwaway, as is parental control, luckily, many of us can do without those.至于反垃圾邮件嘛,不用也罢,父母控制亦然。——还好,我们很多人都不需要这些功能。