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2024-02-14 23:06:17
美[θrʌst]  英[θrʌst]
v.  刺;插入;推挤
n.  刺;推力;要旨
  形容词:thrustful  名词:thruster  过去式:thrust  过去分词:thrust  现在分词:thrusting  第三人称单数:thrusts


  1. 冲,冲入,冲过去
  2. 插,插入,不恰当地插进
  3. 伸展,挺伸,延伸
  4. 挤,挤出(路)
  5. 刺(入),戳(穿)
  6. 猛推,用力推,推入(出),强行推入(进),推
  7. 塞,猛塞
  8. 猛揿
  9. 突出,伸出
  10. 突进
  11. 逼迫
  12. 突然提出
  13. 强加,将...强加于,迫使接受
  14. 强行通过,强行进入
  1. 刺,戳,插
  2. 猛推,推
  3. 要点,要旨
  4. 抨击,攻击
  5. 目标
  6. 突出重点
  7. 魄力,干劲
  8. 【物】驱动力,推力
  9. 突击,突进,猛攻
  10. 侧向压力
  11. 冲断层


  1. vt. & vi. 猛推,猛塞 push forcefully and suddenly
  2. vt. & vi. 刺,戳 make a sudden forward stroke


  1. the force used in pushing;

    "the push of the water on the walls of the tank" "the thrust of the jet engines"

  2. a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument;

    "one strong stab to the heart killed him"

  3. the act of applying force to propel something;

    "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off"

  4. verbal criticism;

    "he enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians"

  5. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow);

    "he warned me with a jab with his finger" "he made a thrusting motion with his fist"

  1. push forcefully;

    "He thrust his chin forward"

  2. press or force;

    "Stuff money into an envelope" "She thrust the letter into his hand"

  3. make a thrusting forward movement
  4. impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably;

    "She forced her diet fads on him"

  5. penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument
  6. force (molten rock) into pre-existing rock
  7. push upward;

    "The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air"

  8. place or put with great energy;

    "She threw the blanket around the child" "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"


  1. thrust its branches伸展枝条
  2. thrust its roots向四周延伸
  1. thrust ashore强行登岸
  2. thrust adroitly熟练地猛推
  3. thrust agilely机敏地猛推
  4. thrust bitterly充满仇恨地猛推
  5. thrust dangerously危险地猛塞
  6. thrust heroically英勇地刺
  7. thrust hideously令人惊骇地猛塞
  8. thrust impudently厚颜无耻地猛塞
  9. thrust methodically有条理地猛塞
  10. thrust ruthlessly残忍地刺
  11. thrust savagely蛮横地刺
  12. thrust symbolically象征性地刺
  13. thrust treacherously背信弃义地刺
  14. thrust aside推开,冲开
  15. thrust the chair aside把椅子推开
  16. thrust down塞下
  17. thrust sth down into its throat把某物塞进它的喉管
  18. thrust forward向…挺进
  19. thrust the desk forward把书桌猛然向前推去
  20. thrust oneself forward用力向前挤
  21. thrust in闯入
  22. thrust oneself in闯入; 探听,干涉
  23. thrust out伸出,逐出,排出; 发射
  24. thrust out ones hand伸出一只手
  1. thrust at把…塞给…
  2. thrust at sb with a knife用刀戳某人
  3. thrust into把…塞进…,使插入
  4. thrust into mountain regions向山区延伸
  5. thrust a dagger into the heart把匕首刺入心脏
  6. thrust a knife into an apple把刀插入苹果
  7. thrust the money into sbs hand把钱塞在某人手里
  8. thrust on〔upon〕逼迫,促进,把…强加于人
  9. thrust a position on sb把职务强加于某人
  10. thrust through挤过
  11. thrust ones way through a crowd从人群中挤过去
  12. thrust to逼到,挤到
  13. thrust sb to death将某人戳死
  14. thrust sb to the wall把某人逼至绝境


  1. The mugger thrust at his victim with a knife.抢劫者用刀子向受害人刺去。
  2. The murderer killed her by thrusting a knife in her back.凶手把刀刺进她的背部,杀害了她。
  3. He thrust his hands into his pockets.他把两手插入衣袋里。
  4. We thrust our way through the crowd.我们用力挤过人群。
  5. We thrust ourselves forward into the bus.我们用力挤上了公共汽车。
  1. The fencer parried his opponents thrust.击剑手挡开了对手的猛刺。
  2. He killed her with a thrust of the knife.他把她一刀刺死了。
  3. This is the ultimate thrust the engine can generate.这是这台发动机所能产生的最大推力。
  4. What was the thrust of his argument?他的论据的要点是什麽?
  5. The whole thrust of the project was to make money.计划的核心在于赢利。


    thrust的基本意思是“猛推”“猛塞”,指施力于某物,使其移动或移开或插入另一物,强调其迅速或猛烈。引申可表示“刺”,指用剑、刀等去戳。 thrust既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,多与介词或副词连用,接at时可表示“(用剑、刀等)朝…刺去”。 thrust的过去式和过去分词均为thrust